Research That Shapes Our Field

The Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Minnesota has a long history of pioneering research. With the appointment of Dr. Michael Wall in 2013 and Dr. Michael Todd in 2016, the department has renewed its commitment to “all things academic.” This includes clinical research, data-driven quality improvement initiatives and laboratory science. In the past 5 years, we have seen a striking increase in activity in all three of these areas. We have constructed a robust infrastructure to support all of these activities, with research coordinators, grant-management, data analysis, a statistician and more.

stone lab
Stone Lab

The Stone Lab, directed by Dr. Laura Stone, utilizes both pre-clinical models and patient populations to investigate the mechanisms underlying low back and musculoskeletal pain, the optimization of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments, and the epigenetic regulation of chronic pain.

Minnesota Alcohol & Pain Lab

The Minnesota Alcohol and Pain Lab (MAPL), directed by Dr. Jeff Boissoneault, focuses on the use of psychophysical, psychopharmacological, neuroimaging, and behavioral approaches to improve understanding of the bidirectional association between pain and the use of alcohol and other substances.

Faculty Research

Our department is intensely committed to encouraging and supporting the research efforts of our faculty, both in the clinical arena and the basic sciences. We have a team of research assistants who are available to assist in faculty clinical projects (at no charge to the faculty), as well as a well-established internal review and advisory process to help those faculty refine their ideas and to aid them in moving from that idea through the successful completion of that project. Support is also provided for all aspects of the IRB application process.

Research Dashboard

In addition, we have developed an extensive online educational program to aid new faculty in learning how to conduct high-quality clinical research.

Student & Resident Research

We provide a wide variety of options, from ASA-supported pathways to individual support in pursuing research during residency. All of our residents complete a quality improvement project.

Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship

The Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship provides financial support and resources to medical students to spend 8-weeks focusing on anesthesiology research, scientific methodology and techniques.

Research Opportunities

Please fill out this form to start the volunteer process for anesthesia research. Due to limited research opportunities currently, preference will be giving to UMN students.

Michael Todd, MD
Professor & Vice Chair of Research

Candace Nelson
Clinical Research Manager